Consortum for Collaborative Governance (CCG) is a partnership between the University of Arizona School of Government and Public Policy, the University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy, University of Washington Evans School of Public Affairs, Syracuse University, and University of Colorado - Denver. The CCG seeks a direct connection with practice through internal programs or external centers at each school. The CCG seeks to advance scholarship in collaborative governance and multi-organizational public networks by: the commitment of schools in public policy and administration to the development of research in these fields; bringing researchers together to share their conceptual and empirical work to advance theory and practice; and developing the next generation of research by supporting young scholars in applying new, cutting-edge methods to test current hypotheses that in turn can raise new questions for the field.
University Network for Collaborative Governance (UNCG) consists of centers and programs in colleges and universities that engage in service and scholarship in order to enable citizens and their leaders to engage in dialogue, discussion, problem solving, and conflict resolution around public issues.
National Institute for Civil Discourse (NICD) In 2011, the University of Arizona created NICD after the Tucson shooting that killed six people and wounded thirteen others, including former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Although many people know about this incident now, fewer people know that Congresswoman Giffords was already in discussion with the University of Arizona about creating a center to study how to improve the quality of civil conversation. The Tucson community came together to create NICD, a non-partisan organization based at the University of Arizona to promote healthy and civil political debate. NICD is devoted to the same principles that motivated Congresswoman Giffords: that people with different values and political preferences can discuss their differences in a civil and productive manner. The galvanizing power of that event brought together an impressive, bipartisan group of leaders to work on these issues..
Collaborative Governance Initiative (CGI) at the Program for the Advancement of Research on Collaboration and Conflict at Syracuse University's Maxwell School is designed to discover, examine, and communicate best practices in collaborative governance. The faculty of the CGI conduct research on public management including groups and individuals in neworks:gathering evidence of interorganizational collaboration; and public participation.
Network Leadership Training Academy (NLTA) is a place where public sector leaders gather to learn, share ideas, and develop skills for engaging in the "network way of working". Many people today are deeply involved in the network way of working, but are struggling to find tools and a place to build skills for this new way of connecting across boundaries. This training provides conversations about network leadership, activities and exercises to share and demonstrate skills and ideas, and practical tools to translate back to practice.