Introductory Resources

Videos, Links and Other Resources

References for Civil Discourse and Collaborative Governance


Videos worth watching:

Bob and Donna (Mutual of Omaha)

What is Civility? (University of Tennessee Knoxville)  

Introductory Readings on Collaborative Governance

Introductory Readings on Collaborative Governance

Prepared by Kirk Emerson 5.22.1

Agranoff, Robert. 2012. Collaborating to Manage: A Primer for the Public Sector. Washington. DC: Georgetown University Press.

Ansell, Christopher and Alison Gash. 2008. Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18(4): 543-571.

Trouble in Tortuga! Simulation

Trouble in Tortuga! A Role-playing Simluation Game for Teaching Environmental Conflict Resolution written by Kirk Emerson, Hal Movius and Robert Merideth, Udall Center for Studies  in Public Policy, The University of Arizona, August 1999.