Introductory Resources
Videos, Links and Other Resources |
References for Civil Discourse and Collaborative Governance
Videos worth watching: Bob and Donna (Mutual of Omaha) What is Civility? (University of Tennessee Knoxville) |
Introductory Readings on Collaborative Governance |
Introductory Readings on Collaborative Governance Prepared by Kirk Emerson 5.22.1 Agranoff, Robert. 2012. Collaborating to Manage: A Primer for the Public Sector. Washington. DC: Georgetown University Press. Ansell, Christopher and Alison Gash. 2008. Collaborative Governance in Theory and Practice. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18(4): 543-571. |
Trouble in Tortuga! Simulation |
Trouble in Tortuga! A Role-playing Simluation Game for Teaching Environmental Conflict Resolution written by Kirk Emerson, Hal Movius and Robert Merideth, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, The University of Arizona, August 1999. |